Tribute to Robert Malone

A deep thinker, a brilliant scientist, a big heart, and now he has turned to a broad public education program to rescue all of humanity from a totalitarian takeover in the guise of “pandemic preparedness”.

Dr Malone invented and patented the technology for mRNA lipid nanoparticles in the early 1990s when he was a post-doc at Scripps Inst in San Diego. He was enthusiastic about the technology, and studied it rigorously for several years as a medical platform. He ended by concluding that it was inherently too dangerous, even for terminal cancer patients. You can’t control where the lipid nanoparticles go, and they are toxic in themselves. The mRNA creates uncontrolled quantities of its protein endproduct in uncontrolled places.

He abandoned the technology and moved on to a successful but low-profile career consulting in biochemistry to government and industry.

Thirty years later, the technology he invented was long out of patent. It was weaponized to create pseudo-vaccines that have killed millions of people worldwide. Dr Malone came out of obscurity to blow the whistle and alert people to what was going on.

He then watched as his articles were canceled and censored. The crowning insult came when the 2023 Nobel in Medicine was awarded to the people who weaponized his invention, with no mention of the inventor.

Dr Malone has a Substack blog in which he talks about life on his Virginia farm amid curated cartoons and wise perspectives on COVID and everything else.

Here is my favorite of his videos, about the use of mind control to introduce totalitarianism without incurring popular resistance.

The Malone Institute

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