Flash fiction

Several statistical studies have shown that prayer is effective. Cancer patients are more likely to heal if others are praying for them — even at a distance, without their knowledge. And, of course, there is no shortage of on-line gurus and courses that offer you the power to manifest your dreams, if only you can extinguish your unconscious doubts.

Does “manifesting” really work? Yes, we all have some limited power to affect the world with our thoughts, but more interesting are those who hang out at the tail of the bell curve, people with extraordinary natural powers of psychokinesis. Add to this the fact that paranormal abilities, like other abilities, can be honed with practice, concentration, daily repetition with feedback, ideally under the guidance of a master.

Perhaps you have heard the story of the 11th century Buddhist master, Milarepa, who learned to cast spells for earthquakes, storms, and fires. Whole villages were brought down. I don’t know if there are people today who propagate devastation with black magic. What I do know is a Jainist monastery, isolated in the mountains of Kashmir, where 17 yogi ascetics gathered in August, 1945, and never left. Twelve of them live there still, and it is said that they have recruited a few replacements. When they are not eating (one meal a day) or sleeping (4.5 hours), they collect their intentions in resonance, as they have done each day for 79 years. 

On hundreds of occasions, beginning with the Cold War, the world has narrowly escaped nuclear annihilation. A colonel disobeyed orders, or a false rader blip was explained moments before “launch on warning”, or glowing orbs appeared above the missile silo, which became temporarily unresponsive. You wondered how it was that all life on earth was so fortunate, time and time again, as these coincidences accumulated against mounting odds. Now you know why.

Rumor has it that this year the Jain monks have come down from their mountain home. They are traveling separately through India and Tibet and Bhutan, perhaps dispersing through the world, incognito. They are all over 100 years old, and, if it can be believed, some of them have attained to extraordinary age. Have we lost their protection? Or will they teach us all the art of peace?

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